Retna on Houston and Bowery NYC

The famous Bowery mural space was ritualistically whitewashed over the weekend, in preparation for the latest installment in a long series of famed street artists. The past few days, Retna has been affixing his signature brand of scrit. This is how it looked on Tueday night, March 6th.

Rothman’s NYC

I probably wouldn’t normally post photos of a retail space on this blog. But, I thought that the new Rothman’s was so dope that I really wanted to share. It is a homegrown NYC business that has been around for longer than most of us have been alive. It recently moved from it’s spot on the north end of Union Square to a location on Park Ave. S. and 18th (not far from the former spot). Here is a little more detail on the business, in the Selectism coverage.